Today was one of the best Mondays ever(!) because I heard 'I got a feeling' by BEP for like four times on the radio today. So that explained all don't you think? (:
I was so lazy to wake up early this morning but I have to force my lazy ass to get a quick shower and ready for college. I had Physics lecture this morning, ended half an hour early and the Maths lecture in the afternoon was called off so we (Belinda, Elin, Suzen, Joe Ann and I) planned to go to KL that afternoon to search for their dinner dresses. So Belinda, Aina and I rushed back to Belinda's crib just to get her DSLR within 30 minutes before our next Biology lecture. Yeah, crazy I know :D It was raining and there was traffic jam when we're on our way back to the college. We're 20 minutes late yet we found out that our Biology lecturer didn't turn up for lecture wtf We took our sweet time and reached class 15 minutes later to finish our tutorials and left for KL around 1pm. We went to Pavillion and Time Squares, since I already bought my dress earlier, I ended up wasting my money buying unnecessary stuffs again LOL & oh oh I tried on a wig. Long curly brown wig and I've decided to keep my hair long again after this, it's a MUST and they said I look girly in long hair pfft We drove here and there, lost and caught in traffic yet finally we reached home at 10pm. Anyway, I really had a great time strolling around and hanging out with them, like I always do but most importantly we took lots of pictures C: Gonna wait Miss Belinda Dwee to edit and upload them in fb ♥♥♥
Mind my slutty English, I'm just to tired to type properly. Brain certainly is not functioning at this moment and I might doze off anytime soon~ Freaking Tuesday is coming tomorrow, ugh ugh!
P/S: Good luck to all those sitting for SPM. Make sure History don't kill you first :D Try to survive for another 3 weeks to pure freedom!
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