Wonder why the middle box is ripped alrdy?

Cause someone put a letter in it
♥ and he knows I love Hello Panda

Awwww, silly boy has ugly handwriting - so called good luck note in karangan form lol

NOW I'm one big fat happy child :D

Can't wait to om nom nom nom alrdy!

Hello Panda = mad love(!)

Typical bimbo who has lots of pink stuffs? Nahh.
It's actually tad late surprise from Baby after I had my first paper of my finals, the killer Maths. I was sulking after I came out from the exam hall cause I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna flunk that paper, like srsly sighh so the boyf came and gave me those! He was supposed to give me earlier that morning but he was late wtf it's okay! I still love you teehee Thank you Baby. That sure explains the reason I'm perpetually on sugar rush xx
Awww.. This is super sweeet!
Huhu.. Got a letter oso!
whoa.. Romantic leh.. hehe
who's the Lucky one? :D
wow... he's so thoughtful
how nice for both of you...! :D
anyway I wan that contour glass... :P
I have tons of pink stuff too! And my mouse also in pink XD but it's egg-shaped. good looking stuff usually doesn't last for long -__- the scroller gone case dy after the second week of purchase ftml.
love letter? ........ wah so the dude got chances?
haha! guess wat, kevin likes da choco flavour ones. LOL
so sweet of yours :)
aw...so sweet^^ i usually leave post-it notes in unassuming places^^
i like eat hello panda and rocky.
but i like flavour choc.
btw, so sweets loo..
i want it too..
Ur bf is sooo sweet ^^!~
i love Hello Panda too!!
My current girlfriend left a bag of snacks right outside my apartment once, when were still friends dating. It had a note attached too, and in it she left a postscript telling the two stray dogs that usually hang around outside my house to not eat my snacks (of course, she also left it out of readh :P)
the cuteness totally melted my heart. we're together for 3 years now.
My cousin have tons of those. Now I now that she's actually normal!! Lolz..
Hello Panda & Rocky is the....awwwww. <3
so sweet :-)
OMG this is the sweetest thing ever and hello panda used to be my favourite food when i was little!!! LOVED IT.
awwww... jealous max weii XD
so sweet
i love hello panda too just as my nephew like it~
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