Somehow, facebook got everyone to change their current profile picture to a cartoon hero of your childhood cause it's the week of children rights according to idk who. But then there are all sorts of cartoons coming in which are not even hero -.-
So I've chose The Powerpuff Girls; my all time favourite hero cause they can kick those villians' ass (especially MoJoJo) and protect the city of Townsville! :D I could watch the same episode over and over one back then and I remembered my dad will watch along with me too every evening. Oh well, good memories ~

While I was looking for The PPG's picture for my profile picture, I begin to reminisce all the cartoons that I used to spend hours watching it when I was little and the weird thing is I got all so excited recalling all the cartoons with my roomies HAHA

These are some of my fave from Nickolodeon; Blue Clues, The Wild Thornberries, Hey Arnold, Rugrates, Doug and The Angry Bieber oops I actually mean Beaver!

These are from Disney Channel; The Banana in Pyjamas, Barney and Friends, The Adventure of Gummibears and Madeline.

Of course they are more to list but I think that's all I can get HAHA this topic wouldn't end if I keep going on talking about them. I grew up with cartoon :D All those in bold are my personal favourite(!) and not to forget The Amanda Show, Lizzie Mcguire, That's So Raven, Kenan and Kel, It's All That and The Legend of the Hidden Temple! Do they ring any bells? If and only if you're from the 90s heh I must say that cartoons nowadays are way hideous than before and it's not as nice like how they used to be. For examples like Upin and Ipin and Ben10? Euwwwwwww no offense to those who like them though. Kids nowadays don't even watch cartoons, they have more exciting stuffs to play, err like Facebook/PSP and computer games? :P It's their loss anyway!
for such a wonderful childhood, at least I enjoyed mine. Do you?
This is very nostalgic, no?
This is very nostalgic, no?
Wow, you watched cartoon a lot! Sure you are a good girl!
During my childhood, I played too much sports until spoilt. Sometimes, I was traveling alone by air from state to another state.
Wow, you had a wonderful childhood. Teehee~ I watch Little Lulu as well but other's did not. Maybe I'm kinda old generation already yet I'm not allowed to watch cartoon after I start to go to school. T,T
yes. Hilda definitely watched a lot of cartoon. from the moment she woke up, the 1st thing she gotta do is switch on the tv and cartoon-channel surfing! even now megan does that following her footstep!
and she watched a lot of PPG. always ask me to choose which PPG i wan. and to tell u the truth, until know i duno which PPG is which. =P
dad will say PPG is Hilda's era. haha. for me, i only remembered watching tom and jerry and bugs bunny the most.
so missed those day when we 2 will wake up just for Little Lulu show. Little Lulu Little Lulu...
omg... i totally forgot about Lulu! i watched Barney a lot XD
u watch cartoons meh...I like watching Dexter and Rugrats
tom and jerry! :D
omg. yes it's really very very nostalgic. I used to love powerpuff girls a lot! :) now i feel kinda old already. lolx
DEXTER!! aww those were the days!
you must be younger than me (a lot) dexter and powerpuff girls are during my teenage days.
But I loved lulu and I remember Banana in Pajamas, Sesame street during my childhood.
The cartoons/children show I loved back then was power rangers and sailormonn. lols.
Little Lulu!!!!! :D:D:D I like her kinda a lot! But Jerry is all-time-favorite!!!! :D
i don't remember cartoons cause i hardly watched them. Child abuse huh?
hahah...we all love cartoon networks!
i didnt watch lulu...i watch barney alot ,powerpuffgirls and pokemon!Lol...
OMG!! THE ANGRY BEAVERS!! That was SOOOOOOO long ago. T_____T
I watched that when I was about 6 or 7 and I hated it :P they were so annoying! But I still love hey arnold! :)
The Amanda Show, Lizzie Mcguire, That's So Raven, Kenan and Kel, It's All That and The Legend of the Hidden Temple!
omg. i cant believe i watched EVERY single cartoon you just mentioned.
we(the 90's childrens) are just CARTOON JUNKIES after all. :P
i love barney and friends.. hehe and spongebobs too muahaha :)
OMG!!!Little Lulu was one of my obsessions when I still had time to watch Saturday and Sunday morning cartoons!!!I miss all those old cartoons. I still love watching cartoons but nowadays the cartoons are TV are kinda...not really for kids.IMHO. Nice post. Makes me wanna search back all those old cartoons n watch. :P
Barney and friends were once my love and the song. The other cartoons like dragon ball, doraemon, sailormoon, sakura card captors and many
OMG. I love Little Lulu the most but they don't show it anymore :(
And I freaking hate Upin and Ipin! They sound so annoying. -.-
where's teletubies and spongebob?!?!
i love madeline. when i was kids, i love to watch teletubbies but i hate when it comes to an end. haha.
i love powerpuff girls too when i was makes me recall back all my memories..
Very nostalgic. I wish we can go back to those days. Laze around watching TV the whole day without getting scolded. I wish we can go back to those days. Where classes and exams never mattered to us. LOL ;)
I love Madeline and Chibi Maruko lolol
i remembered tom and jerry :D
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