Sometimes, I think of u when I heard our songs.
Sometimes I feel like stabbing you in your guts.
Sometimes I cried over you for stupid reasons.
Sometimes I think of you when I heard our songs.
Things around me tends to remind me of you and our memories.
Enough is enough, though I still and will always love you~
Again, it was the day of the month when I go all grumpy and moody. These usually leads to PMS-ing, pimples sprouting out, period pain(!) with a backache as well. Great, what's next? Thank God Cadbury chocolate bar always comes in handy at times like this to boost my happy hormones. I've been into Gossip Girls, just started watching last week from the first season and will catch up till the end of Season 2. I can't wait for the Season 3 in Sept. I kinda miss studying and was trying to stuck my nose into this big book belongs to my sis, General Chem. Chem has been my fave among all the other science subjects. So I'll prolly start reading it this week or next week or anytime soon lah. Heh. Maths? Nanti lagi lah. In the meantime, I'm waiting for my parents to bring me go shopping so that I can pack my stuffs for college. I will be leaving in 19 more days and I'm kinda worried that I can't meet Cathy when she's back here. That's an order from Mum cause she said she might bring the flu and I can only meet her after a week. Damnn. That will be a few hours before I'm leaving for KL. That's so not fair. I've been killing my time doing housechores, eating, online, wishing to hang out with friends *still planing on it* and watching more dramas. That's all I can do. Not much. At least I don't get rotten doing nothing at home. Life's goodddddd :D
Btw, Zee Avi is on twitter; http://twitter.com/ZeeAvi, follow her! and a note for Nad; Good luck for your presentation and the listening test. She's been busy for few days already and hardly get enough rest, not to say sleep. Poor her. Hope she's okay and everything gonna be perfectly fine. Go girl. && a note for Cathy; Happy leaving Qatar for good and enjoy your stay in Singapore. Better not get that nasty flu and kill the Bintulu-ans when you're back here. I really can't wait to see you soon. Yao is getting back from Matriks maybe this weekends or next Monday and I'm looking forward to that too. Missing both of you loadsssss. Kaban, fast fast come back. I wanna go out! *shout*
Btw, Zee Avi is on twitter; http://twitter.com/ZeeAvi, follow her! and a note for Nad; Good luck for your presentation and the listening test. She's been busy for few days already and hardly get enough rest, not to say sleep. Poor her. Hope she's okay and everything gonna be perfectly fine. Go girl. && a note for Cathy; Happy leaving Qatar for good and enjoy your stay in Singapore. Better not get that nasty flu and kill the Bintulu-ans when you're back here. I really can't wait to see you soon. Yao is getting back from Matriks maybe this weekends or next Monday and I'm looking forward to that too. Missing both of you loadsssss. Kaban, fast fast come back. I wanna go out! *shout*
i downloaded it from a chinese website :D
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