Maybe I was too naive to believe that fairy tale with happy ending do exist but now it does prove me wrong. So I guess that's the end of our story. We ended it up nicely for a better cause. To be honest, I never see this coming. Never. Initially, I was eggcited to write a summary of how awesome year 2010 was to me but maybe .... not anymore so yeah life still has to go on! Chin up, Hilda :D I just gotta suck it up and accept it. I still have my supportive family and a bunch of friends that care for me. Most importantly, the big boss up there (:
cheer baby! You got me :D
You got US! The crazy bunch of bloggers, remember ;)
hey.. girl.. cheer up.. that not the end of everything.. :) there are better trees out there in the forest :)
I know it's hard Hilda....time will heal everything and I wish u the very best :)
Hilda , Cheer up ! You still got me this friend ! I will be there for you always and i willing to be your listener ! Time will heal everything ! Cheer up kay ! =D
ermmm... well aside from saying breakups do happen and asking u to cheer up as everyone did, i think i would add that there's still whole bunch of fishes in the sea! maybe u can get urself a shark or an octopus too!
okay, dat was lame... but yeah, as long as you dun jump as wat alviss kong did shud be fine... besides, fairy tales do and still happen... u just have to keep believing...
gambateh! and being single aint dat bad either XD
=) big boss has better plan for you.
there is MORE in your life than this thing, k!
life must go on! agree wit Vince, u got us :)
yeah cheer up! you are only midway to somewhere more awesome
wanna big hug yo? =)
Cheer up. Old things gives ways to new and more exciting stuffs.
Cheers up.. =) Don't worry.. think will get better
hey girl! cheer up! that's not the end or the world yet! You have us to back you up!! =) tomorrow is always a better day..
hey everything will be fine..life will go on as usual..dunt give up urself for smt like this :) you will get through this like me^^
Cheer up babe! Everything will be alright (: Time heals :D
Life is No fairytale..There's still alot of fishes in the sea...We take control of our own life...Cheers, u noe all of us are here to back u up=)
I'm here to give you a hug!! Are you serious babe?? Maybe my english is very bad so.. i don't really understand whats the situation!! When are you coming back then? Maybe we should gather up again??
Drop me a message at anywhere else if you need a chat!! *cheer up* Big sis is here!!
i suppport you too de!
gambateh! merry x'mas!!
HUGS woman... sounds like u re going through a hard time.
Cry and mop all you want and when u re ready.. Chin up k.
and fairytales do exist... happy endings are there.. but it's hard work. =)
and u know what? the hard work NEVER stops... seriously.
just take 2011 and cherish it.. more time for urself n those around u.. hugs!
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