Having a part time job is actually the last thing I'd do in my list during my sem break but here I am, having a job now, my first ever job. How random *smirks* I was sort of surprised when my parents are really supportive this time, Mum
never approved me in getting any job. Mum actually asked me to get a job on the day I reached home. Not putting any high hopes, I called up my current boss on Monday to ask about the job and I got it right away, met my lady boss that night as well and I started working the very next day. Looking at the long hours that I am required to work, I was kinda reluctant at first but instead of lazing around at home doing nothing, I told myself there's no harm giving it a try. I'm a big girl now *pat self*
So you must be wondering what am I working as? I'd say nothing illegal HAHA
#1. The company I'm working for; their official website here, and FB page, here. |
Their main HQ is in Wangsa Maju, Setapak and they have over 20 branches in West Msia but I've never encounter them before in KL! Opening soon in Miri and Kuching as well :O
#2. Any idea yet? |
#3. The menu (: |
#4. Self explanatory |
#5. The fridge that keeps most of the fruit sherbets |
#6. Flavours; Red plum, Honeydew, Apricot, Dragon Fruit, Lime (Clockwise) |
#7. Durian, Strawberry, Yam, Passion Fruit, Soursop, Chocolate (Clockwise) |
#8. Red bean (L), Watermelon (R), and Mango. |
#9. Haaa yes, that's me! I looked even rounder with the cap on T___T |
#10. This is what I'm up to when there's no customers, few more chapters to go. |
#11. Wee just got myself a twin! Matching colour bottle =.='' |
#12. My striking apple green uniform, thank goodness it's not a must to wear it everyday. |
#13. Teehee shop assistant/retailer in action! (; |
I seriously have no idea what kind of job is my job called as cause I pretty much do everything. I'm currently on fulltime basis, where I work everyday *cries* 9 hours during weekdays, 12 hours during weekends! By the time I'm home, I'll be like a dead pile of poop, exhausted and sleepy already. Besides that, everything is so far so good, no cranky customers too. All I need to do is to wait for customers to come, so readers you know what to do! Come over and buy fruit sherbets from me(!!), but sorry ah no discount :P
Pros: I get to earn my own bucks, INDEPENDENTLY! *will be looking forward to the last day of every month now* and the first thing I'll do with my salary is to treat my family a meal :DDD
Cons: No more quality time with the family, sucks big time. Withdrawal from the cyber world.
#14. And oh, this place is still hiring. So just ring up the number if you're interested :D |
So bear with me cause I guess I'll be on a hiatus for a period of time, unless I have interesting stuff to blog about, which I think it would be unlikely to happen.
Goodnight, another 12 hours to go tomorrow! *crashes on bed*
look cute with the uniform :)
Haha~ cute in green!! Anyway, where's the place? I shall visit you there. =P
Woooo Perfect Ice. How much is the pay ah? lol
wow, looks yummy! :) Especially on a very hot weather these days..
haha is at ur place kan? :D else I will stalk u hehehehe
where's this place Hilda? not in KL ar? Hahaha, wana kacau u there too
woots! go green eh? =P nice nice! Have fun in ur work! =D
wah..hot day...want some leh...
Hoi your boss pay you to work leh, not camwhore. :P
Anyhoos, dapao one from sarawak and bring it back for me. I know wangsa maju has one too, but meh, sarawak one tastes better I think.
p.s. I'm still convinced that you are a professional scotch taster who wears suit to work everyday.
Good luck in your first part time job whei~Hopefully you wont get bored soon la XD
Congratulations mate!
so cool....have fun
awwww....cute =) !!! enjoy ur work seetie =D
Happy working :) Kahyao Hilda!
haha soo good working still can camwhore XP
OMG! You have the BEST job in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to have your job!
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