On another unrelated story;
I watched this movie last night and I tell you it's a must watch movie! This thriller movie has made my adrenaline pumping faster than my heartbeat :D Some of the guys in the movie are hot and I kinda like Cassidy; one of the cast cause her voice is so special and she's hot in her pwn particular way. In case you haven't watched it, just catch the trailer at youtube and maybe you'll love it. (: So, 3 more movies to go but I don't think I can watch The Ugly Truth cause it's not showing in most of the cinemas. Damn! Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs looks nice too. I'll add that to my list *grin*
&& for last week I had a few major accomplishment and I'm proud of myself (Y)
# I cooked dinner for myself for the 5 consecutive days! *not typical menu I tell you*
# I've done my laundry
# I've tidied up my locker
# I've cleaned my study table
Seems that I've grown up huh? :D I just feel accomplished cause I can settle stuffs on my own and organize everything so well! Now all I need is to buck up and start studying for my test woot woot!

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