Life's been good so far. I'm trying my best to learn to cope with my studies, multipergazillions of homeworks and reports. Living far away from home wasn't that easy as well but the freedom totally belongs to you. One thing I'm looking forward everyday was having lect/tutorials canceled so i can go home and sleep. Heh. That's the number one sympton of a not-so-bright student. Tsk tsk. I gotta finish 3 semesters in one year so I wont be having long hols, like what Mr. Chan said foundation students can't have honeymoon. Aw man! I can't enjoy much either, so I prolly just study study study and still study. Hell no I'm turning into a double E; gEEk.
On the plus side, my housemates and I are just getting along quite well. We got ourselves wireless and I get to online everyday like old times. Hurrah. Hmph, my lips are chapped and dry, wic means mmm I need a lip balm. I'm having a runny nose, no fever nor cough though. Chill lah but H1N1 is getting out of hand here in KL. There's been a fourth death case reported and 11 National Service camp had to be closed. O_o Wtf. This is no small matter. My best advice, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. Ahahaha.
I don't want this moment to ever end
Where everything's nothing without youI'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.